• ADUs offer one of the best ways for you to earn extra monthly income as a homeowner. This extra income can act as a “second job”, helping you to pay off your mortgage, save for your children’s college, or take that big vacation you’ve always wanted. The best part about ADUs is that they have their own entrances, meaning you’ll never have to worry about your tenants disturbing your family life. This also works the other way around, If you are an older couple and the kids are out of the house, you may not need 4 bedrooms and a huge living space anymore. In this case, you could move into the ADU while renting out the big house to family.

  • If you’ve ever had to get the approval of the council for a DA, you know that it is a long and arduous process. With granny flats or ADUs, you don’t need the approval of the council if they meet all of the requirements. This can help to speed up the process by many months.

  • We’re not tax experts! But if there is one thing we do know, it is that homeowners everywhere are putting their brand new ADUs on their depreciation schedules. Claiming your ADU can help you to gain back or offset any normal losses that go into paying your taxes each year.

  • Though Riverside may not be one of the most overpopulated counties in Southern California, there are still people here struggling to find affordable housing. You can be apart of the solution to the housing crisis by building an ADU. It is a wonderful way to provide affordable housing for those who aren’t quite able to afford a home for themselves yet.

Rules and Regulations for ADUs

New legislation



Compared with new single-family homes and large multi-family housing projects, ADUs are affordable to build because their construction does not require paying for land or building structured parking or elevators. In addition, ADUs are typically built as one- or two-story wood frame dwellings that do not require major new infrastructure upgrades, thus reducing overall construction costs. Perhaps building an ADU for the purpose of an extra income stream is not a priority but instead for other reasons. COVID-19 has influenced the new norm of working from home, homeowners are now interested more than ever to build a home office. Home gyms have also become as well since COVID-19. However, the simple reason of adding bedroom space is amongst most popular. The rise in intergenerational housing parallels the increasing interest to create additional housing units to keep families close and to avoid the housing market all together.

Right now is the perfect time to invest in building an ADU, the rise in building materials continues to increase and there is no sign of any decrease. For a FREE ESTIMATE or FREE CONSULTATION, give us a call at (951)800-2222 or visit our contact page.




If you are considering building an accessory dwelling unit for yourself to enjoy or benefit from passive income due to a GREAT INVESTMENT we know the in’s and out’s of every moving piece of navigating a successful ADU home build. We look forward to assisting you!



The Southern California real estate marketing has gone through various changes over the last few years, right now there is an uprising ADU frenzy ready to surge. In 2018, close to1,400 ADUs were built, 2019 2,600 ADUs were built, and in 2020, over 3,000 were built. Percentage-wise there has been around a 114% increase in the number of ADUs built from 2018 to 2020. (ADU California, 2022). Today in 2022, it only seems like that number will sky-rocket by the end of the year. Homeowners are becoming more aware of how valuable each square footage of their home is. Additionally, the usage of ADUs can be far more valuable as well as serve as additional square footage, home office, or even a gym.



ADUs create affordable housing units as compared to the expensive housing prices in the Southern California region. Homeowners can rent their attached or detached ADUs and pay off their mortgage sooner than expected. For example, renting out an ADU for $1,800 will pay off your mortgage in half if your mortgage is $3,600. Not to mention if you invested $100,000 on the ADU you’d pay it off in 4 1/2 years. On top of that, the value of your home will increase without a doubt each year giving you even more equity to pull for further investments.